The MAX BLE HCI python library houses an implementation for a standard BLE Host-Controller Interface (HCI). The implementation contains:
Serializers/deserializers for all BLE-standard HCI packet types
Definitions for BLE-standard constants such as PHY type, address type, payload type, etc.
Opcode Group Field (OGF) and Opcode Command Field (OCF) definitions for all standard HCI commands.
OCF and OGF definitions for all Analog Devices vendor specific commands
Convenience functions for many common HCI commands
Support for the creation/use of custom vendor-specific commands.
Documentation for the library can be viewed in full in the API Reference tab.
Host-Controller Interface
A host controller interface is a thin layer used in BT and BLE which transports packets from the host to the controller (commands) and vice versa (events). HCI interface is standardized by the Bluetooth SIG Spec.

MAX BLE HCI Library Structure
The MAX BLE HCI library is organized into modules as follows:
- ble_hci: Contains the full HCI implementation. Important members:
BleHci – HCI implementation, class
- contants: Contains BLE-standard HCI constants. Important members:
Endian – Endianness definitions, enum
PhyOption – PHY type definitions, enum
PayloadOption – Payload type definitions, enum
AddrType – Address type definitions, enum
- data_params: Contains data classes for select HCI parameters/returns. Important members:
AdvParams – Container for advertising parameters, dataclass
ScanParams – Container for scan parameters, dataclass
ConnParams – Container for connection parameters, dataclass
- hci_packets: Contains HCI packet serializers/deserializers. Important members:
CommandPacket – HCI command packet serializer, class
EventPacket – HCI event packet deserializer, class
- packet_codes: Contains BLE-standard HCI packet codes. Important members:
EventCode – HCI event return codes, enum
StatusCode – HCI event status codes, enum
- packet_defs: Contains BLE-standard HCI packet definitions. Important members:
PacketType – HCI packet types, enum
OGF – HCI Opcode Group Fields, enum
OCF – HCI Opcode Command Fields, dataclass
Not all members of a module are necessarily displayed here. See the API Reference tab to view all members of each library module.
Support Information
Supported OS
Supported Parts
- Vendor specific commands:
- BLE standard commands:
Any BLE-enabled chip