Source code for max_ble_hci.ble_standard_cmds

#! /usr/bin/env python3
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Module contains definitions for BLE standard HCI commands.
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Callable

from ._hci_logger import get_formatted_logger
from ._transport import SerialUartTransport
from .constants import PayloadOption, PhyOption
from .data_params import AdvParams, ConnParams, EstablishConnParams, ScanParams
from .hci_packets import CommandPacket, EventPacket
from .packet_codes import EventMask, EventMaskPage2, EventMaskLE, StatusCode
from .packet_defs import OCF, OGF
from .utils import can_represent_as_bytes, to_le_nbyte_list, byte_length

[docs]class BleStandardCmds: # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods """Definitions for BLE standard HCI commands. Class contains functions used to implement BLE standard HCI commands. Used as a parent for the full Analog Devices BLE HCI class. Arguments --------- port : SerialUartTransport Serial port interfacing object. logger_name: str Name used to reference the HCI logger. Attributes ---------- port : SerialUartTransport Serial port interfacing object. logger : logging.Logger HCI logging object referenced by the `name` argument. """ def __init__(self, port: SerialUartTransport, logger_name: str): self.port = port self.logger = get_formatted_logger(name=logger_name) def __enter__(self): self.port.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.port.close()
[docs] def send_le_controller_command( self, ocf: OCF, params: List[int] = None, return_evt: bool = False ) -> Union[StatusCode, EventPacket]: """Send an LE Controller command to the test board. Sends a command from the OGF LE Controller subgroup to the DUT. Parameters ---------- ocf : OCF Opcode command field value for the desired HCI command. params : List[int], optional Command parameters as single-byte values. return_evt : bool, optional If true, function returns full `EventPacket` object. If false, function returns only the status code. Returns ------- Union[StatusCode, EventPacket] If `return_evt` argument is true, the full return packet from the DUT. If `return_evt` argument is false, the return packet status code. """ cmd = CommandPacket(OGF.LE_CONTROLLER, ocf, params=params) if return_evt: return self.port.send_command(cmd) return self.port.send_command(cmd).status
[docs] def send_controller_command( self, ocf: OCF, params: List[int] = None, return_evt: bool = False ) -> Union[StatusCode, EventPacket]: """Send a Controller command to the test board. Sends a command from the OGF Controller subgroup to the DUT. Parameters ---------- ocf : OCF Opcode command field value for the desired HCI command. params : List[int], optional Command parameters as single-byte values. return_evt : bool, optional If true, function returns full `EventPacket` object. If false, function returns only the status code. Returns ------- Union[StatusCode, EventPacket] If `return_evt` argument is true, the full return packet from the DUT. If `return_evt` argument is false, the return packet status code. """ cmd = CommandPacket(OGF.CONTROLLER, ocf, params=params) if return_evt: return self.port.send_command(cmd) return self.port.send_command(cmd).status
[docs] def set_adv_data(self, data: list) -> StatusCode: """Set advertising data Parameters ---------- data : list data to advertise Returns ------- StatusCode Status Raises ------ ValueError If advertising data cannot be represented in 31 octets or less """ if not can_represent_as_bytes(data) or len(data) > 31: raise ValueError("Advertising data length can be up to 31 octets") params = [len(data)] + data return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.SET_ADV_DATA, params=params )
[docs] def set_scan_resp_data(self, data: list) -> StatusCode: """Set advertising data Parameters ---------- data : list data to respond with on scan requests Returns ------- StatusCode Status Raises ------ ValueError If scan request data cannot be represented in 31 octets or less """ if not can_represent_as_bytes(data) or len(data) > 31: raise ValueError("Advertising data length can be up to 31 octets") params = [len(data)] + data return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.SET_SCAN_RESP_DATA, params=params )
[docs] def set_adv_params(self, adv_params: AdvParams = AdvParams()) -> StatusCode: """Set test board advertising parameters. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to set the advertising parameters to the given values. Parameters ---------- adv_params : AdvParams, optional Dataclass object containing the desired advertising parameters. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ params = to_le_nbyte_list(adv_params.interval_min, 2) params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(adv_params.interval_max, 2)) params.extend( [ adv_params.adv_type, adv_params.own_addr_type.value, adv_params.peer_addr_type.value, ] ) params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(adv_params.peer_addr, 6)) params.extend([adv_params.channel_map, adv_params.filter_policy]) return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.SET_ADV_PARAM, params=params )
[docs] def enable_adv(self, enable: bool) -> StatusCode: """Command board to start/stop advertising. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to either start or stop advertising based on the the `enable` argument. Parameters ---------- enable : bool Enable advertising? Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.SET_ADV_ENABLE, params=int(enable) )
[docs] def set_scan_params(self, scan_params: ScanParams = ScanParams()) -> StatusCode: """Set test board scanning parameters. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to set the scanning parameters to the given values. Parameters ---------- scan_params : ScanParams, optional Dataclass object containing the desired scanning parameters. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ params = [scan_params.scan_type] params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(scan_params.scan_interval, 2)) params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(scan_params.scan_window, 2)) params.append(scan_params.addr_type.value) params.append(scan_params.filter_policy) return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.SET_SCAN_PARAM, params=params )
[docs] def enable_scanning( self, enable: bool, filter_duplicates: bool = False ) -> StatusCode: """Command board to start/stop scanning. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to either start or stop scanning based on the `enable` argument. Parameters ---------- enable : bool Enable scanning? filter_duplicates : bool, optional Filter duplicates? Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ params = [int(enable), int(filter_duplicates)] return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.SET_SCAN_ENABLE, params=params )
[docs] def update_connection_params( self, handle: int, conn_params: ConnParams = ConnParams(0x0) ) -> StatusCode: """Update connection parameters Parameters ---------- handle : str Connection Handle conn_params : ConnParams, optional Connection paramters by default ConnParams(0x0) Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) + conn_params.to_payload() return self.send_le_controller_command(OCF.LE_CONTROLLER, params=params)
[docs] def create_connection( self, conn_params: EstablishConnParams = EstablishConnParams(0x0) ) -> StatusCode: """Command board to connect with a peer device. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to create a connection to a peer device based on the given connection parameters. Parameters ---------- conn_params : ConnParams, optional Dataclass object containing the desired connection parameters. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.CREATE_CONN, params=conn_params.to_payload() )
[docs] def set_default_phy( self, tx_phys: Union[PhyOption, List[PhyOption]] = None, rx_phys: Union[PhyOption, List[PhyOption]] = None, ) -> StatusCode: """Set default phy used for TX and RX Parameters ---------- tx_phys : Union[PhyOption, List[PhyOption]], optional Preferred PHY or list of preferred PHYs for TX, by default None meaning no preference rx_phys : Union[PhyOption, List[PhyOption]], optional Preferred PHY or list of preferred PHYs for TX, by default None meaning no preference Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ if not isinstance(tx_phys, list): tx_phys = [tx_phys] if not isinstance(rx_phys, list): rx_phys = [rx_phys] all_phys = 0 if tx_phys is None: all_phys |= 1 tx_phys = [] elif rx_phys is None: all_phys |= 2 rx_phys = [] phy_opts = 0 tx_phy_mask = 0 for phy in tx_phys: tx_mask, coded_opt = PhyOption.to_mask(phy) phy_opts |= coded_opt tx_phy_mask |= tx_mask rx_phy_mask = 0 for phy in rx_phys: rx_mask, coded_opt = PhyOption.to_mask(phy) rx_phy_mask |= rx_mask phy_opts |= coded_opt params = [all_phys, tx_phy_mask, rx_phy_mask] return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.SET_DEF_PHY, params=params )
[docs] def set_data_len( self, handle: int = 0x0000, tx_octets: int = 0xFB00, tx_time: int = 0x9042 ) -> StatusCode: """Set the maximum TX payload size and transmit time. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to set the maximum TX payload size and transmit time to the given values. Parameters ---------- handle : int, optional Connection handle. tx_octets : int, optional Desired maximum number of payload octets. tx_time : int, optional Desired maximum TX time. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(tx_octets, 2)) params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(tx_time, 2)) return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.SET_DATA_LEN, params=params )
[docs] def set_phy( self, handle: int = 0x0000, tx_phys: Union[PhyOption, List[PhyOption]] = None, rx_phys: Union[PhyOption, List[PhyOption]] = None, ) -> StatusCode: """Set PHY during connection Parameters ---------- handle : int, optional connection handle, by default 0x0000 tx_phys : Union[PhyOption, List[PhyOption]], optional PHY or list of PHYS preferred for TX, by default None meaning no preference rx_phys : Union[PhyOption, List[PhyOption]], optional meaning no preference PHY or list of PHYs preferred for RX, by default None Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ if not isinstance(tx_phys, list): tx_phys = [tx_phys] if not isinstance(rx_phys, list): rx_phys = [rx_phys] all_phys = 0 if tx_phys is None: all_phys |= 1 tx_phys = [] elif rx_phys is None: all_phys |= 2 rx_phys = [] phy_opts = 0 tx_phy_mask = 0 for phy in tx_phys: tx_mask, coded_opt = PhyOption.to_mask(phy) phy_opts |= coded_opt tx_phy_mask |= tx_mask rx_phy_mask = 0 for phy in rx_phys: rx_mask, coded_opt = PhyOption.to_mask(phy) rx_phy_mask |= rx_mask phy_opts |= coded_opt params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) params.extend([all_phys, tx_phy_mask, rx_phy_mask]) params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(phy_opts, 2)) return self.send_le_controller_command(OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.SET_PHY, params=params)
[docs] def tx_test( self, channel: int = 0, phy: Union[PhyOption, int] = PhyOption.PHY_1M, payload: Union[PayloadOption, int] = PayloadOption.PLD_PRBS9, packet_len: int = 0, ) -> StatusCode: """Start a transmitter test. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to start a DTM transmitter test in accordance with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- channel : int, optional The channel on which transmission should take place. phy : Union[PhyOption,int], optional The PHY that should be used by the transmitter. payload : PayloadOption, optional The packet payload type that should be used. packet_len : int, optional The desired length of the transmitted packets. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ if isinstance(payload, PayloadOption): payload = payload.value if isinstance(phy, PhyOption): phy = phy.value params = [channel, packet_len, payload, phy] return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.ENHANCED_TRANSMITTER_TEST, params=params )
[docs] def rx_test( self, channel: int = 0, phy: Union[PhyOption, int] = PhyOption.PHY_1M, modulation_idx: int = 0, ) -> StatusCode: """Start a receiver test. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to start a DTM receiver test in accordance with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- channel : int, optional The channel on which the receiver should listen for packets. phy : Union[PhyOption,int], optional The PHY that should be used by the receiver. modulation_idx : float, optional The expected modulation index of the transmitter. Indicates whether the modulation index is standard (0) or stable (1). Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ if phy == PhyOption.PHY_CODED_S2: phy = PhyOption.PHY_CODED_S8 if isinstance(phy, PhyOption): phy = phy.value params = [channel, phy, modulation_idx] return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.ENHANCED_RECEIVER_TEST, params=params )
[docs] def end_test(self) -> Tuple[int, StatusCode]: """End the current test. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to end the current DTM test. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. int The number of packets received correctly during the test. If ending a TX test, this value will be 0. """ evt = self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.TEST_END, return_evt=True ) rx_ok = evt.get_return_params() return rx_ok, evt.status
[docs] def disconnect(self, handle: int = 0x0000, reason: int = 0x16) -> StatusCode: """Disconnect from an existing connection. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to disconnect from the indicated connection for the given reason. Parameters ---------- handle : int, optional The handle to the desired connection. reason : int, optional The reason for the disconnection. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) params.append(reason) return self.send_link_control_command( OCF.LINK_CONTROL.DISCONNECT, params=params )
[docs] def reset(self) -> StatusCode: """Reset board controller/link layer. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it that the controller and the link layer should be reset. On-board implementation may vary, meaning this command does not necessarily perform a full hardware reset. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_controller_command(OCF.CONTROLLER.RESET)
# return self.send_controller_command(OCF.CONTROLLER.RESET)
[docs] def set_event_mask( self, mask: Union[int, EventMask], mask_pg2: Optional[Union[int, EventMaskPage2]] = None, ) -> Union[StatusCode, Tuple[StatusCode, StatusCode]]: """Enable/disable events the board can generate. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to enable/disable events that can be generated and returned to the host in accordance with the given mask. If a page2 mask if provided, then the command which sets the page2 masks will also be sent. Parameters ---------- mask : int Mask indicating the desired events. Setting a bit to `1` enables the corresponding event. Setting the bit to `0` disables it. mask_pg2 : Optional[int], optional Mask indicating the desired events for the second event mask page. Setting a bit to `1` enables the corresponding event. Setting the bit to `0` disables it. Returns ------- Union[StatusCode, Tuple[StatusCode, StatusCode]] The return packet status codes(s). If both page1 and page2 were set, the first return is the status code for the page1 command and the second is the status code for the page2 command. """ if isinstance(mask, EventMask): mask = mask.value params = to_le_nbyte_list(mask, 8) status = self.send_controller_command( OCF.CONTROLLER.SET_EVENT_MASK, params=params ) if mask_pg2 is not None: if isinstance(mask_pg2, EventMaskPage2): mask_pg2 = mask_pg2.value params = to_le_nbyte_list(mask_pg2, 8) return ( status, self.send_controller_command( OCF.CONTROLLER.SET_EVENT_MASK_PAGE2, params=params ), ) return status
[docs] def set_event_mask_le(self, mask: Union[int, EventMaskLE]) -> StatusCode: """Enable/disable LE events the board can generate. Sends a command to the DUT, telling it to enable/disable LE events that can be generated and returned to the host in accordance with the given mask. Parameters ---------- mask : int Mask indicating the desired LE events. Setting a bit to `1` enables the corresponding event. Setting the bit to `0` disables it. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ if isinstance(mask, EventMaskLE): mask = mask.value self.set_event_mask(EventMask.LE_META) params = to_le_nbyte_list(mask, 8) return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.SET_EVENT_MASK, params=params )
[docs] def read_local_p256_pub_key( self, callback: Callable[[EventPacket], None] = None ) -> StatusCode: """Read local P256 Key Parameters ---------- callback : Callable[[EventPacket], None], optional Callback to call when complete event is triggered, by default None Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. NOTE: Event not enabled for you. Please enable event. """ if callback: self.port.evt_callback = callback return self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.READ_LOCAL_P256_PUB_KEY )
[docs] def generate_dhk( self, xcoord: int, ycoord: int, version: int = 1, use_debug_key=False, callback: Callable[[EventPacket], None] = None, ) -> StatusCode: """Generate Diffie-Hellman Key Parameters ---------- xcoord : int X-Coordinate ycoord : int Y-Coordinate version : int, optional DHK gen version, by default 1. Options 1 or 2 use_debug_key : bool, optional Use a debug key instead of in use key, by default False callback : Callable[[EventPacket], None], optional Callback to call when complete event is triggered, by default None, by default None Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If version not 1 or 2 NOTE: Complete event not enabled for you. Please enable event if needed. """ if version not in (1, 2): raise ValueError("DHK generate version must be 1 or 2") xcoords = to_le_nbyte_list(xcoord, 32) ycoords = to_le_nbyte_list(ycoord, 32) if version != 1: key_type = 0 if not use_debug_key else 1 else: key_type = 0x4B params = xcoords + ycoords + [key_type] ocf = ( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.GENERATE_DHKEY if version == 1 else OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.GENERATE_DHKEY_V2 ) if callback is not None: self.port.evt_callback = callback return self.send_le_controller_command(ocf, params)
[docs] def convert_fips197(self, data: Union[int, str]) -> List[int]: """Convert data to fips197 format Parameters ---------- data : Union[int, str] Integer of string Returns ------- List[int] fips197 formatted data Raises ------ ValueError Input is not an int or str ValueError Data cannot be represented in 16-bytes """ if isinstance(data, int): byte_len = byte_length(data) data_bytes = [0] * 16 for i in range(byte_len): bit_pos = 8 * (byte_len - i - 1) data_bytes[i] = (data >> bit_pos) & 0xFF elif isinstance(data, str): data_bytes = data.encode("utf-8") if len(data_bytes) < 16: data_bytes = data_bytes.ljust(16, b"\x00") data_bytes = list(data_bytes) else: raise ValueError("Input must be an integer or string") if len(data_bytes) > 16: raise ValueError("Value must be able to be represented in 16 bytes!") return data_bytes
[docs] def encrypt( self, key: Union[bytes, int, str], plaintext: Union[int, bytes, str] ) -> Union[List[int], EventPacket]: """Encrypt data Parameters ---------- key : Union[bytes, int, str] Key to encrypt plaintex with plaintext : Union[int, bytes, str] data to encrypt Will pad data with zeros if the block is not 16 bytes Returns ------- Union[List[int], EventPacket] Ciphertext if encryption succeeded. Event packet othewise. Raises ------ ValueError If key is an integer and cannot be represented in 128 bits ValueError If key is bytes or string an not 16-bytes in length ValueError If plaintext cannot be represented ins 128 bits ValueError If plaintext bytes or string and more than 16 bytes """ if isinstance(key, int) and key.bit_length() > 128: raise ValueError("Key must be representable in 128 bits!") if isinstance(key, (bytes, str)) and len(key) != 16: raise ValueError("Key must be 128 bits if given as bytes or str!") if isinstance(plaintext, int) and plaintext.bit_length() > 128: raise ValueError("Plaintext must be representable in 128 bits!") if isinstance(plaintext, (bytes, str)) and len(plaintext) > 16: raise ValueError("Plaintext must be representable in 128 bits!") if isinstance(key, int): key = self.convert_fips197(key) if isinstance(key, bytes): key = list(key) if not isinstance(plaintext, bytes): plaintext = self.convert_fips197(plaintext) else: if len(plaintext) < 16: plaintext = plaintext.ljust(16, b"\x00") plaintext = list(plaintext) params = key + plaintext evt = self.send_le_controller_command( OCF.LE_CONTROLLER.ENCRYPT, params=params, return_evt=True ) if evt.status == StatusCode.SUCCESS: return list(evt.evt_params[4:]) return evt
[docs] def set_event_callback(self, callback): """Set callback used for event packet Parameters ---------- callback : Callable Function to call on event packet """ self.port.evt_callback = callback
[docs] def set_async_callback(self, callback): """Set callback used for async packet Parameters ---------- callback : Callable Function to call on async packet """ self.port.async_callback = callback