Source code for max_ble_hci.vendor_spec_cmds

#! /usr/bin/env python3
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Module contains definitions for ADI vendor-specific HCI commands.
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines, too-many-arguments, too-many-public-methods
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from ._hci_logger import get_formatted_logger
from ._transport import SerialUartTransport
from .constants import MAX_U32, MAX_U64, PayloadOption, PhyOption, PubKeyValidateMode
from .data_params import (
from .hci_packets import CommandPacket, EventPacket, byte_length
from .packet_codes import StatusCode
from .packet_defs import OCF, OGF
from .utils import convert_str_address, to_le_nbyte_list

[docs]class VendorSpecificCmds: """Definitions for ADI vendor-specific HCI commands. Class contains functions used to implement Analog Devices vendor-specific HCI commands. Used as a parent for the full Analog Devices BLE HCI class. Arguments --------- port : SerialUartTransport Serial port interfacing object. logger_name: str Name used to reference the HCI logger. Attributes ---------- port : SerialUartTransport Serial port interfacing object. logger : logging.Logger HCI logging object referenced by the `name` argument. """ def __init__(self, port: SerialUartTransport, logger_name: str): self.port = port self.logger = get_formatted_logger(name=logger_name) def __enter__(self): self.port.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.port.close()
[docs] def send_vs_command( self, ocf: OCF, params: List[int] = None, return_evt: bool = False ) -> Union[EventPacket, StatusCode]: """Send a vendor-specific command to the test board. Sends a command from the OGF Vendor Specific subgroup to the DUT. Parameters ---------- ocf : OCF Opcode command field value for the desired HCI command. params : List[int], optional Command parameters as single-byte values. return_evt : bool, optional If true, function returns full `EventPacket` object. If false, function returns only the status code. Returns ------- Union[StatusCode, EventPacket] If `return_evt` argument is true, the full return packet from the DUT. If `return_evt` argument is false, the return packet status code. """ cmd = CommandPacket(OGF.VENDOR_SPEC, ocf, params=params) if return_evt: return self.port.send_command(cmd) return self.port.send_command(cmd).status
[docs] def reset_device(self) -> StatusCode: """Reset the device. Reset the device, which has the same functionality as pressing the reset button on dev board. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.DEVICE_RESET, params=None)
[docs] def erase_memory(self) -> StatusCode: """Erase the flash memory. Erase the flash memory with one page starting at addr. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.MEMORY_ERASE, params=None)
[docs] def set_flash_addr(self, addr: Union[int, str]) -> StatusCode: """Set the flash write address. Set the starting address of flash memory to be written Parameters ---------- addr : Union[int, str] Desired flash memory address. If str, format expected xx:xx:xx:xx Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ if isinstance(addr, str): addr = convert_str_address(addr) params = to_le_nbyte_list(addr, 4) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_FLASH_ADDR, params=params)
[docs] def write_flash(self, chunk: List[int]) -> StatusCode: """Write data to the flash memory. Write 128 bits of data chunk to the flash memory Parameters ---------- chunk : List[int] 128bit data chunk of new firmware Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.WRITE_FLASH, params=chunk)
[docs] def set_address(self, addr: Union[int, str]) -> StatusCode: """Sets the BD address. Function sets the chip BD address. Address can be given as either a bytearray or as a list of integer values. Parameters ---------- addr : Union[int, str] Desired BD address. If str, format expected xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ if isinstance(addr, str): addr = convert_str_address(addr) params = to_le_nbyte_list(addr, 6) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_BD_ADDR, params=params)
[docs] def reset_connection_stats(self) -> StatusCode: """Reset accumulated connection stats. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to reset all accumulated connection statisitics. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.RESET_CONN_STATS)
[docs] def enable_autogenerate_acl(self, enable: bool) -> StatusCode: """Enable/disable automatic generation of ACL packets. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to enable or disable automatic generation of asynchronous connection-less packets. Parameters ---------- enable: bool Enable automatic ACL packet generation? Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command( OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.ENA_AUTO_GEN_ACL, params=int(enable) )
[docs] def generate_acl( self, handle: int, packet_len: int, num_packets: int ) -> StatusCode: """Command board to generate ACL data. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT telling it to generate/send ACL data in accordance with the provided packet length and number of packets. A test end function must be called to end this process on the board. Parameters ---------- handle : int Connection handle. packet_len : int Desired packet length. num_packets : int Desired number of packets to send. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `handle` is larger than 2 bytes. ValueError If `packet_len` is greater than 65535. ValueError If `num_packets` is greater than 255. """ if byte_length(handle) > 2: raise ValueError( f"Handle ({handle}) is too large, must be 2 bytes or less." ) if num_packets > 0xFFFF: raise ValueError( f"Num packets too large ({num_packets}), must be 65535 or less." ) if packet_len > 0xFF: raise ValueError( f"Packet length too large ({packet_len}), must be 255 or less." ) params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) params.append(packet_len) params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(num_packets, 2)) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GENERATE_ACL, params=params)
[docs] def enable_acl_sink(self, enable: bool) -> StatusCode: """Enable/disable ACL sink. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to enable or disable asynchronous connection-less packet sink. Parameters ---------- enable : bool Enable ACL sink? Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ params = int(enable) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.ENA_ACL_SINK, params=params)
[docs] def tx_test_vs( self, channel: int = 0, phy: Union[PhyOption, int] = PhyOption.PHY_1M, payload: Union[PayloadOption, int] = PayloadOption.PLD_PRBS15, packet_len: int = 0, num_packets: int = 0, ) -> StatusCode: """Start a vendor-specific transmitter test. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to start a DTM transmitter test in accordance with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- channel : int The channel on which transmission should take place. phy : Union[PhyOption, int] The PHY that should be used by the transmitter. payload : Union[PayloadOption, int] The packet payload type that should be transmitted. packet_len : int The desired length of the transmitted packets. num_packets : int The number of packets to transmit. Set to `0` to enable continuous transmission. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `channel` is greater than 39 or less than 0. ValueError If `packet_len` is greater than 255. ValueError If `num_packets` is greater than 65535. """ if not 0 <= channel < 40: raise ValueError( f"Channel out of bandwidth ({channel}), must be in range [0, 40)." ) if packet_len > 0xFF: raise ValueError( f"Packet length too large ({packet_len}), must be 255 or less." ) if num_packets > 0xFFFF: raise ValueError( f"Num packets too large ({num_packets}), must be 65535 or less." ) payload = payload.value if isinstance(payload, PayloadOption) else payload phy = phy.value if isinstance(phy, PhyOption) else phy params = [channel, packet_len, payload, phy] params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(num_packets, 2)) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.TX_TEST, params=params)
[docs] def rx_test_vs( self, channel: int = 0, phy: Union[PhyOption, int] = PhyOption.PHY_1M, num_packets: int = 0, modulation_idx: int = 0, ) -> StatusCode: """Start a vendor-specific receiver test. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to start a DTM receiver test in accordance with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- channel : int The channel on which the receiver should listen for packets. phy : Union[PhyOption, int] The PHY that should be used by the receiver. num_packets : int The number of packets that the receiver is expected to receive, i.e. the number of packets the transmitter is sending. modulation_idx : int The expected modulation index of the transmitter. Indicates whether the modulation index is standard (0) or stable (1). Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `channel` is greater than 39 or less than 0. ValueError if `num_packets` is greater than 65535. """ if not 0 <= channel < 40: raise ValueError( f"Channel out of bandwidth ({channel}), must be in range [0, 40)." ) if num_packets > 0xFFFF: raise ValueError( f"Num packets too large ({num_packets}), must be 65535 or less." ) if isinstance(phy, PhyOption): phy = phy.value params = [channel, phy, modulation_idx] params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(num_packets, 2)) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.RX_TEST, params=params)
[docs] def reset_test_stats(self) -> StatusCode: """Reset accumulated test stats. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to reset all accumulated test statistics. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.RESET_TEST_STATS)
[docs] def set_adv_tx_power(self, tx_power: int) -> StatusCode: """Set the advertising TX power. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the advertising TX power in accordance with the given value. Parameters ---------- tx_power : int Desired advertising TX power. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `tx_power` is greater than 127 or less than -127. """ if not -127 < tx_power < 127: raise ValueError( f"TX power ({tx_power}) out of range, must be in range [-127, 127]." ) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_ADV_TX_PWR, params=tx_power)
[docs] def set_conn_tx_power(self, tx_power: int, handle: int = 0x0000) -> StatusCode: """Set the connection TX power. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the TX power on the indicated connection in accordance with the given value. Parameters ---------- tx_power : int Desired connection TX power. handle : int, optional The handle to the desired connection. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `handle` is more than 2 bytes in size. ValueError If `tx_power` is greater than 127 or less than -127. """ if byte_length(handle) > 2: raise ValueError( f"Handle ({handle}) is too large, must be 2 bytes or less." ) if not -127 < tx_power < 127: raise ValueError( f"TX power ({tx_power}) out of range, must be in range [-127, 127]." ) params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) params.append(tx_power) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_CONN_TX_PWR, params=params)
[docs] def set_channel_map( self, channels: Optional[Union[List[int], int]] = None, handle: int = 0x0000, ) -> StatusCode: """Set the channel map for an existing connection. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the channel map for the indicated connection in accordance with the mask generated from the given channel values. Parameters ---------- channels : Union[List[int], int], optional The channel(s) that should be included in the connection channel map. handle : int, optional The handle to the desired connection. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `handle` is more than 2 bytes in size. """ if byte_length(handle) > 2: raise ValueError( f"Handle ({handle}) is too large, must be 2 bytes or less." ) if channels: channels = channels if isinstance(channels, list) else [channels] channel_mask = 0x0000000000 for chan in channels: if chan in [37, 38, 39]: continue channel_mask = channel_mask | (1 << chan) else: channel_mask = 0x1FFFFFFFFF params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(channel_mask, 5)) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_CHAN_MAP, params=params)
[docs] def read_register( self, addr: int, length: int, print_data: bool = False ) -> Tuple[List[int], StatusCode]: """Read a number of bytes from a register. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to read bytes from a register in accordance with the given length and register address values. Parameters ---------- addr : int The address at which the read should begin. length : int The number of bytes to read. print_data : bool, optional Print read data to the console? Returns ------- List[int] The read data. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ params = [length] params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(addr, 4)) evt = self.send_vs_command( OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.REG_READ, params=params, return_evt=True ) param_lens = [4] * (length // 4) if not length % 4 == 0: param_lens.append(length % 4) read_data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=param_lens) if print_data: for idx, plen in enumerate(param_lens): if plen == 1:"0x%08X: 0x______%02X", addr, read_data[idx]) elif plen == 2:"0x%08X: 0x____%04X", addr, read_data[idx]) elif plen == 3:"0x%08X: 0x__%06X", addr, read_data[idx]) else:"0x%08X: 0x%08X", addr, read_data[idx]) addr += 4 return read_data, evt.status
[docs] def set_scan_channel_map(self, channel_map: int) -> StatusCode: """Set the channel map used for scanning. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the channel map used for scanning in accordance with the given value. Parameters ---------- channel_map : int Desired channel map to use for scanning. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_SCAN_CH_MAP, params=channel_map)
[docs] def set_event_mask_vs(self, mask: int, enable: bool) -> StatusCode: """Enable/disable vendor specific events the board can generate. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to enable/disable vendor-specific events that can be generated and returned to the host in accordance with the given mask. Parameters ---------- mask : int Mask indicating the vendor-specific events that should be enabled/disabled. Events are indicated when their corresponding bit is set to `1`. enable : bool If true, enables the indicated events. If false, disables them. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ params = to_le_nbyte_list(mask, 8) params.append(int(enable)) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_EVENT_MASK, params=params)
[docs] def set_tx_test_err_pattern(self, pattern: int) -> StatusCode: """Set the TX test mode error pattern. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the pattern of errors for the TX test mode in accordance with the given value. Parameters ---------- pattern : int Desired error pattern. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `pattern` is larger than 32 bits (4 bytes) in size. """ if pattern > MAX_U32: raise ValueError(f"Pattern ({pattern}) too large, must be 32 bits or less.") params = to_le_nbyte_list(pattern, 4) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_TX_TEST_ERR_PATT, params=params)
[docs] def set_connection_op_flags( self, handle: int, flags: int, enable: bool ) -> StatusCode: """Set connection operational flags. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to enable/disable the connection operational flags for the indicated connection in accordance with the values provided. Parameters ---------- handle : int The handle to the desired connection. flags : int Mask indicating the desired connection operational flags that should be enabled/disabled. Flags are indicated when their corresponding bit is set to `1`. enable : bool If true, enables the indicated flags. If false, disables them. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `handle` is larger than 2 bytes in size. ValueError If `flags` is larger than 4 bytes in size. """ if byte_length(handle) > 2: raise ValueError( f"Handle ({handle}) is too large, must be 2 bytes or less." ) if byte_length(flags) > 4: raise ValueError(f"Flags ({flags}) is too large, must be 4 bytes or less.") params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(flags, 4)) params.append(int(enable)) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_CONN_OP_FLAGS, params=params)
[docs] def set_256_priv_key(self, priv_key: List[int]) -> StatusCode: """Set/clear the P-256 private key. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set or clear the P-256 private key used to generate key pairs and Diffie-hellman keys in accordance with the given value. Parameters ---------- priv_key : list Desired P-256 private key. Setting to `0` will clear the key. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `priv_key` is larger than 32 bytes in size. """ if len(priv_key) > 32: raise ValueError( f"Private key ({priv_key}) too large, must be 32 bytes or less." ) return self.send_vs_command( OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_P256_PRIV_KEY, params=priv_key[::-1] )
[docs] def get_channel_map_periodic_scan_adv( self, handle: int, is_advertising: bool ) -> Tuple[int, StatusCode]: """Get the channel map used for periodic scanning/advertising. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the channel map used for either periodic scanning or periodic advertising in accordance with the given values. Parameters ---------- handle : int The handle to the desired periodic scanner/advertiser. is_advertising : bool Does the handle point to a periodic advertiser? Returns ------- int The channel map returned by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `handle` is larger than 2 bytes in size. """ if byte_length(handle) > 2: raise ValueError( f"Handle ({handle}) is too large, must be 2 bytes or less." ) params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) params.append(int(is_advertising)) evt = self.send_vs_command( OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_PER_CHAN_MAP, params=params, return_evt=True ) return evt.get_return_params(), evt.status
[docs] def get_acl_test_report(self) -> Tuple[TestReport, StatusCode]: """Get ACL test report. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the current ACL test report. Returns ------- TestReport The ACL test report returned by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_ACL_TEST_REPORT, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=[4, 4, 4, 4]) stats = TestReport( rx_pkt_count=data[0], rx_oct_count=data[1], gen_pkt_count=data[2], gen_oct_count=data[3], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def set_local_num_min_used_channels( self, phy: PhyOption, pwr_thresh: int, min_used: int ) -> StatusCode: """Set local minimum number of used channels. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the local minimum number of used channels in accordance with the given PHY, power threshold, and minimum values. Parameters ---------- phy : PhyOption PHY on which the process should take place. pwr_thresh : int Power threshold for the selected PHY. min_used : int Minimum number of used channels. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `pwr_thresh` is greater than 127 or less than -127. ValueError if `min_used` is greater than 37 or less than 1. """ if not -127 < pwr_thresh < 127: raise ValueError( f"Thresh ({pwr_thresh}) out of range, must be in range [-127, 127]." ) if not 0 < min_used <= 37: raise ValueError( f"Min used ({min_used}) out of range, must be in range [1, 37]." ) if phy == PhyOption.PHY_CODED_S2: phy = PhyOption.PHY_CODED params = [phy.value, pwr_thresh, min_used] return self.send_vs_command( OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_LOCAL_MIN_USED_CHAN, params=params )
[docs] def get_peer_min_num_channels_used( self, handle: int ) -> Tuple[Dict[PhyOption, int], StatusCode]: """Get the minimum number of channels used by a peer. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the minimum number of channels used by a peer device as indicated by the given value. Parameters ---------- handle : int Handle to the desired peer connection. Returns ------- Dict[PhyOption, int] Peer minimum number of used channels by PHY type. StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `handle` is larger than 2 bytes in size. """ if byte_length(handle) > 2: raise ValueError( f"Handle ({handle}) is too large, must be 2 bytes or less." ) params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) evt = self.send_vs_command( OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_PEER_MIN_USED_CHAN, params=params, return_evt=True ) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=[1, 1, 1]) min_used_map = { PhyOption.PHY_1M: data[0], PhyOption.PHY_2M: data[1], PhyOption.PHY_CODED: data[2], } return min_used_map, evt.status
[docs] def set_validate_pub_key_mode(self, mode: PubKeyValidateMode) -> StatusCode: """Set the mode used to validate the public key. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the mode used to validate the public key in accordance with the given value. Parameters ---------- mode : PubKeyValidateMode Desired public key validation mode. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command( OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.VALIDATE_PUB_KEY_MODE, params=[mode.value] )
[docs] def get_rand_address(self) -> Tuple[int, StatusCode]: """Get a random device address. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve a random device address. Returns ------- int Random device address retrieved by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_RAND_ADDR, return_evt=True) return evt.get_return_params(), evt.status
[docs] def set_local_feature(self, features: int) -> StatusCode: """Set local supported features. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the local supported features in accordance with the given value. Parameters ---------- features : int Mask indicating the local supported features. Setting a bit to `1` will enable the indicated feature. Setting a bit to `0` will disable it. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `features` is larger than 64 bits (8 bytes) in size. """ if features > MAX_U64: raise ValueError( f"Feature mask ({features}) is too large, must be 64 bits or less." ) params = to_le_nbyte_list(features, 8) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_LOCAL_FEAT, params=params)
[docs] def set_operational_flags(self, flags: int, enable: bool) -> StatusCode: """Enable/disable operational flags. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to enable or disable operational flags in accordance with the values provided. Parameters ---------- flags : int Mask indicating the desired operational flags that should be enabled/disabled. Flags are indicated when their corresponding bit is set to `1`. enable : bool If true, enables the indicated flags. If false, disabled them. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `flags` is larger than 32 bits (4 bytes) in size. """ if flags > MAX_U32: raise ValueError(f"Flags ({flags}) is too large, must be 32 bits or less.") params = to_le_nbyte_list(flags, 4) params.append(int(enable)) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_OP_FLAGS, params=params)
[docs] def get_pdu_filter_stats(self) -> Tuple[PduPktStats, StatusCode]: """Get the accumulated PDU filter stats. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieves the current accumulated PDU filter statistics. Returns ------- PduPktStats PDU filter statistics report returned by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_PDU_FILT_STATS, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=[2] * 19) stats = PduPktStats( fail_pdu=data[0], pass_pdu=data[1], fail_whitelist=data[2], pass_whitelist=data[3], fail_peer_addr_match=data[4], pass_peer_addr_match=data[5], fail_local_addr_match=data[6], pass_local_addr_match=data[7], fail_peer_rpa_verify=data[8], pass_peer_rpa_verify=data[9], fail_local_rpa_verify=data[10], pass_local_rpa_verify=data[11], fail_peer_priv_addr=data[12], fail_local_priv_addr=data[13], fail_peer_addr_res_req=data[14], pass_peer_addr_res_req=data[15], pass_local_addr_res_opt=data[16], peer_res_addr_pend=data[17], local_res_addr_pend=data[18], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def set_encryption_mode( self, handle: int, enable: bool, nonce_mode: bool ) -> StatusCode: """Set the encryption mode of an existing connection. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the encryption mode of the indicated connection in accordance with the values provided. Parameters ---------- handle : int Handle to the desired connection. enable : bool Enable authentication? nonce_mode : bool Enable nonce mode? Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `handle` is larger than 2 bytes in size. """ if byte_length(handle) > 2: raise ValueError( f"Handle ({handle}) is too large, must be 2 bytes or less." ) params = [int(enable)] params.append(int(nonce_mode)) params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2)) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_ENC_MODE, params=params)
[docs] def set_diagnostic_mode(self, enable: bool) -> StatusCode: """Enable/disable diagnostic mode. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to enable or disable the PAL system assert trap in accordance with the provided value. Parameters ---------- enable : bool Enable diagnostic mode? Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_DIAG_MODE, params=int(enable))
[docs] def enable_sniffer_packet_forwarding(self, enable: bool) -> StatusCode: """Enable/disable sniffer packet forwarding. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to enable or disable sniffer packet forwarding in accordance with the value provided. Parameters ---------- enable : bool Enable sniffer packet forwarding? Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ out_method = 0 # HCI through tokens, only available option params = [out_method, int(enable)] return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_SNIFFER_ENABLE, params=params)
[docs] def get_memory_stats(self) -> Tuple[MemPktStats, StatusCode]: """Get memory and system stats. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the current memory and system statistics. Returns ------- MemPktStats Memory and system statistics report retrieved by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_SYS_STATS, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params( param_lens=[2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] ) stats = MemPktStats( stack=data[0], sys_assert_cnt=data[1], free_mem=data[2], used_mem=data[3], max_connections=data[4], conn_ctx_size=data[5], cs_watermark_lvl=data[6], ll_watermark_lvl=data[7], sch_watermark_lvl=data[8], lhci_watermark_lvl=data[9], max_adv_sets=data[10], adv_set_ctx_size=data[11], ext_scan_max=data[12], ext_scan_ctx_size=data[13], max_num_ext_init=data[14], ext_init_ctx_size=data[15], max_per_scanners=data[16], per_scan_ctx_size=data[17], max_cig=data[18], cig_ctx_size=data[19], cis_ctx_size=data[20], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def get_adv_stats(self) -> Tuple[AdvPktStats, StatusCode]: """Get the accumulated advertising stats. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the current accumulated advertising statistics. Returns ------- AdvPktStats Advertising statistics report retrieved by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_ADV_STATS, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2]) stats = AdvPktStats( tx_adv=data[0], rx_req=data[1], rx_req_crc=data[2], rx_req_timeout=data[3], tx_resp=data[4], err_adv=data[5], rx_setup=data[6], tx_setup=data[7], rx_isr=data[8], tx_isr=data[9], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def get_scan_stats(self) -> Tuple[ScanPktStats, StatusCode]: """Get Scan stats Returns ------- Tuple[ScanPktStats, StatusCode] Accumulated scanning stats and status code """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_SCAN_STATS, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2]) stats = ScanPktStats( rx_adv=data[0], rx_adv_crc=data[1], rx_adv_timeout=data[2], tx_req=data[3], rx_rsp=data[4], rx_rsp_crc=data[5], rx_rsp_timeout=data[6], err_scan=data[7], rx_setup=data[8], tx_setup=data[9], rx_isr=data[10], tx_isr=data[11], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def get_conn_stats(self) -> Tuple[DataPktStats, StatusCode]: """Get the stats captured during a connection. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the statistics captured during a connection. Returns ------- DataPktStats Connection statistics report retrieved by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_CONN_STATS, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2]) stats = DataPktStats( rx_data=data[0], rx_data_crc=data[1], rx_data_timeout=data[2], tx_data=data[3], err_data=data[4], rx_setup=data[5], tx_setup=data[6], rx_isr=data[7], tx_isr=data[8], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def get_test_stats(self) -> Tuple[DataPktStats, StatusCode]: """Get the stats captured during test mode. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the statistics captured during DTM. Returns ------- DataPktStats Test mode statistics report retrieved by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_TEST_STATS, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2]) stats = DataPktStats( rx_data=data[0], rx_data_crc=data[1], rx_data_timeout=data[2], tx_data=data[3], err_data=data[4], rx_setup=data[5], tx_setup=data[6], rx_isr=data[7], tx_isr=data[8], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def get_pool_stats(self) -> Tuple[List[PoolStats], StatusCode]: """Get the memory pool stats captured during runtime. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the memory pool statistics captured during runtime. Returns ------- List[PoolStats] Memory pool statistics reports retrieved by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_POOL_STATS, return_evt=True) num_pools = evt.evt_params[0] param_lens = [1] param_lens.extend([2, 1, 1, 1, 2] * num_pools) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=param_lens, use_raw=True) stats = [] num_pools = data.pop(0) for _ in range(num_pools): stats.append( PoolStats( buf_size=data.pop(0), num_buf=data.pop(0), num_alloc=data.pop(0), max_alloc=data.pop(0), max_req_len=data.pop(0), ) ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def set_additional_aux_ptr_offset(self, delay: int, handle: int) -> StatusCode: """Set auxiliary packet offset delay. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the auxiliary packet offset delay in accordance with the given values. Parameters ---------- delay : int Desired delay. Set to 0 to disable. handle : int Handle to the desired connection. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `delay` is larger than 4 bytes in size. """ if byte_length(delay) > 4: raise ValueError(f"Delay ({delay}) is too large, must be 4 bytes or less.") params = to_le_nbyte_list(delay, 4) params.append(handle) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_AUX_DELAY, params=params)
[docs] def set_ext_adv_data_fragmentation( self, handle: int, frag_length: int ) -> StatusCode: """Set the extended advertising fragmentation length. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the extended advertising fragmentation length in accordance with the values provided. Parameters ---------- handle : int Desired advertising handle. frag_length : int Desired fragmentation length. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ params = [handle, frag_length] return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_EXT_ADV_FRAG_LEN, params=params)
[docs] def set_extended_advertising_phy_opts( self, handle: int, primary: int, secondary: int ) -> StatusCode: """Set extended advertising PHY options. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the extended advertising PHY options in accordance with the values provided. Parameters ---------- handle : int Desired advertising handle. primary : int Desired primary advertising channel PHY options. secondary : int Desired secondary advertising channel PHY options. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ params = [handle, primary, secondary] return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_EXT_ADV_PHY_OPTS, params=params)
[docs] def set_extended_advertising_default_phy_opts(self, phy_opts: int) -> StatusCode: """Set the extended advertising default TX PHY options. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the default TX PHY options for the extended advertising slave primary and secondary channels in accordance with the value provided. Parameters ---------- phy_opts : int Desired PHY options. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command( OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_EXT_ADV_DEF_PHY_OPTS, params=phy_opts )
[docs] def generate_iso_packets( self, handle: int, packet_len: int, num_packets: int ) -> StatusCode: """Generate ISO packets. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to generate ISO packets on the indicated connection in accordance with the parameters provided. Parameters ---------- handle : int Handle to the desired connection. packet_len : int Desired packet length. num_packets : int Number of ISO packets to send. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `handle` is larger than 2 bytes in size. ValueError If `packet_len` is larger than 2 bytes in size. """ if byte_length(handle) > 2: raise ValueError( f"Handle ({handle}) is too large, must be 2 bytes or less." ) if byte_length(packet_len) > 2: raise ValueError( f"Packet length ({packet_len}) is too large, must be 2 bytes or less." ) params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) params.extend(to_le_nbyte_list(packet_len, 2)) params.append(num_packets) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GENERATE_ISO, params=params)
[docs] def get_iso_test_report(self) -> Tuple[TestReport, StatusCode]: """Get the stats collected during an ISO test. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieves the statistics collected during an ISO test. Returns ------- TestReport The ISO test statistics report retrieved by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_ISO_TEST_REPORT, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=[4, 4, 4, 4]) stats = TestReport( rx_pkt_count=data[0], rx_oct_count=data[1], gen_pkt_count=data[2], gen_oct_count=data[3], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def enable_iso_packet_sink(self, enable: bool) -> StatusCode: """Enable/disable ISO packet sink. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to enable or disable ISO packet sink in accordance with the value provided. Parameters ---------- enable : bool Enable ISO packet sink? Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.ENA_ISO_SINK, params=int(enable))
[docs] def enable_autogen_iso_packets(self, packet_len: int) -> StatusCode: """Enable/disable automatic generation of ISO packets. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to enable or disable the automatic generation of ISO packets in accordance with the values provided. Parameters ---------- packet_len : int Desired ISO packet length. Set to 0 to disable automatic generation. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `packet_len` is larger than 32 bits (4 bytes) in size. """ if packet_len > MAX_U32: raise ValueError( f"Packet length ({packet_len}) is too large, must be 4 bytes or less." ) params = to_le_nbyte_list(packet_len, 4) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.ENA_AUTO_GEN_ISO, params=params)
[docs] def get_iso_connection_stats(self) -> Tuple[DataPktStats, StatusCode]: """Get the stats captured during an ISO connection. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the statistics captured during an ISO connection. Returns ------- DataPktStats The ISO connection statistics report retrieved by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_ISO_TEST_REPORT, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2]) stats = DataPktStats( rx_data=data[0], rx_data_crc=data[1], rx_data_timeout=data[2], tx_data=data[3], err_data=data[4], rx_setup=data[5], tx_setup=data[6], rx_isr=data[7], tx_isr=data[8], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def get_aux_adv_stats(self) -> Tuple[AdvPktStats, StatusCode]: """Get the accumulated auxiliary advertising stats. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the current accumulated auxiliary advertising statistics. Returns ------- AdvPktStats The auxiliary advertising statistics report retrieved by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_AUX_ADV_STATS, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=[4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2]) stats = AdvPktStats( tx_adv=data[0], rx_req=data[1], rx_req_crc=data[2], rx_req_timeout=data[3], tx_resp=data[4], tx_chain=data[5], err_adv=data[6], rx_setup=data[7], tx_setup=data[8], rx_isr=data[9], tx_isr=data[10], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def get_aux_scan_stats(self) -> Tuple[ScanPktStats, StatusCode]: """Get the accumulated auxiliary scan stats. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the current accumulated auxiliary scan statistics. Returns ------- ScanPktStats The auxiliary scan statistics report retrieved by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_AUX_SCAN_STATS, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params( param_lens=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2] ) stats = ScanPktStats( rx_adv=data[0], rx_adv_crc=data[1], rx_adv_timeout=data[2], tx_req=data[3], rx_rsp=data[4], rx_rsp_crc=data[5], rx_rsp_timeout=data[6], rx_chain=data[7], rx_chain_crc=data[8], rx_chain_timeout=data[9], err_scan=data[10], rx_setup=data[11], tx_setup=data[12], rx_isr=data[13], tx_isr=data[14], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def get_periodic_scanning_stats(self) -> Tuple[ScanPktStats, StatusCode]: """Get the accumulated periodic scanning stats. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the current accumulated periodic scanning statistics. Returns ------- ScanPktStats The periodic scanning statistics report retrieved by the DUT. StatusCode The return packet status code. """ evt = self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_PER_SCAN_STATS, return_evt=True) data = evt.get_return_params(param_lens=[4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2]) stats = ScanPktStats( rx_adv=data[0], rx_adv_crc=data[1], rx_adv_timeout=data[2], rx_chain=data[3], rx_chain_crc=data[4], rx_chain_timeout=data[5], err_scan=data[6], rx_setup=data[7], tx_setup=data[8], rx_isr=data[9], tx_isr=data[10], ) return stats, evt.status
[docs] def set_connection_phy_tx_power( self, handle: int, power: int, phy: PhyOption ) -> StatusCode: """Set the connection TX power level for a specific PHY. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to set the connection TX power level for the indicated connection and PHY in accordance with the value provided. Parameters ---------- handle : int Handle to the desired connection. power : int Desired TX power. phy : PhyOption PHY on which the TX power should be set. Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If `handle` is larger than 2 bytes in size. """ if byte_length(handle) > 2: raise ValueError( f"Handle ({handle}) is too large, must be 2 bytes or less." ) if phy == PhyOption.PHY_CODED_S2: phy = PhyOption.PHY_CODED params = to_le_nbyte_list(handle, 2) params.append(power) params.append(phy.value) return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.SET_CONN_PHY_TX_PWR, params=params)
[docs] def get_rssi_vs(self, channel: int = 0) -> Tuple[int, StatusCode]: """Get the RSSI values. Sends a vendor-specific command to the DUT, telling it to retrieve the RSSI value for the indicated channel. Parameters ---------- channel : int, optional Channel for which value should be retrieved. Returns ------- int RSSI value for the indicated channel. StatusCode The return packet status code. Raises ------ ValueError If channel is greater than 39 or less than 0. """ if not 0 <= channel < 40: raise ValueError( f"Channel out of bandwidth ({channel}), must be in range [0, 40)." ) evt = self.send_vs_command( OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.GET_RSSI, params=channel, return_evt=True ) rssi = evt.get_return_params(signed=True) if rssi == -128: self.logger.warning("RSSI= -128, possible timeout occured") return rssi, evt.status
[docs] def reset_adv_stats(self) -> StatusCode: """Reset accumulated advertising stats Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.RESET_ADV_STATS)
[docs] def reset_scan_stats(self) -> StatusCode: """Reset accumulated scanning stats Returns ------- StatusCode The return packet status code. """ return self.send_vs_command(OCF.VENDOR_SPEC.RESET_SCAN_STATS)