Contains data classes used for HCI function parameters/returns.
- class AdvParams(interval_min: int = 96, interval_max: int = 96, adv_type: int = 0, own_addr_type: AddrType = AddrType.PUBLIC, peer_addr_type: AddrType = AddrType.PUBLIC, peer_addr: int = 0, channel_map: int = 7, filter_policy: int = 0)[source]
Advertising parameters data container.
- adv_type: int = 0
Advertising type.
- channel_map: int = 7
Advertising channel map.
- filter_policy: int = 0
Advertising filter policy.
- interval_max: int = 96
Maximum advertising interval.
- interval_min: int = 96
Minimum advertising interval.
- peer_addr: int = 0
Connectable peer device address.
- class AdvPktStats(tx_adv: int | None = None, rx_req: int | None = None, rx_req_crc: int | None = None, rx_req_timeout: int | None = None, tx_resp: int | None = None, err_adv: int | None = None, rx_setup: int | None = None, tx_setup: int | None = None, rx_isr: int | None = None, tx_isr: int | None = None, tx_chain: int | None = None)[source]
Advertising statistics data container.
- err_adv: int = None
Number of advertising transaction errors.
- rx_isr: int = None
RX ISR processing watermark in microseconds.
- rx_req: int = None
Number of advertising requests received correctly.
- rx_req_crc: int = None
Number of advertising requests received with a CRC error.
- rx_req_timeout: int = None
Number of RX timeouts.
- rx_setup: int = None
RX packet setup watermark in microseconds.
- scan_req_fulfillment(tx_packets: int | None = None) float [source]
Get rate of scan request fulfillments (i.e how often the dut responds to scan requests)
- Parameters:
tx_packets (int, optional) – number of scan requests sent to device. If not known calculated based off of how many request device received as counted by it
- Returns:
scan request fulfillment
- Return type:
- scan_request_crc_rate() float [source]
Get rate of scan request CRCs
- Returns:
crc rate
- Return type:
- scan_request_rate(dirty=False) float [source]
Get the response rate to the advertiser Measure of how often advertisments get responses
- Parameters:
dirty (bool, optional) – response rate should include responses with crc errors, by default True
- Returns:
response rate
- Return type:
- scan_request_timeout_rate() float [source]
Get rate of scan request timeouts
- Returns:
timeout rate
- Return type:
- tx_adv: int = None
Number of sent advertising packets.
- tx_chain: int | None = None
Number of chain packets sent.
Value is only returned when retrieving auxiliary advertising statistics.
- tx_isr: int = None
TX ISR processing watermark in microseconds.
- tx_resp: int = None
Number of response packets sent.
- tx_setup: int = None
TX packet setup watermark in microseconds.
- class ConnParams(conn_interval_min: int = 6, conn_interval_max: int = 6, max_latency: int = 0, sup_timeout: int = 100, min_ce_length: int = 3856, max_ce_length: int = 3856)[source]
Connection parameters data container used when establishing a connection.
- conn_interval_max: int = 6
Connection interval maximum.
- conn_interval_min: int = 6
Connection interval minimum.
- max_ce_length: int = 3856
Maximum connection event length.
- max_latency: int = 0
Maximum peripheral latency.
- min_ce_length: int = 3856
Minimum connection event length.
- sup_timeout: int = 100
Supervision timeout.
- class DataPktStats(rx_data: int = 0, rx_data_crc: int = 0, rx_data_timeout: int = 0, tx_data: int = 0, err_data: int = 0, rx_setup: int = 0, tx_setup: int = 0, rx_isr: int = 0, tx_isr: int = 0)[source]
Generic data stats container for CM and DTM.
- err_data
Number of data transaction errors.
- per(peer_tx_data: int | None = None) float [source]
Calculate PER.
Calculates the Packet Error Rate of the current set of statistics. If number of peer TX packets is not provided, the value is inferred from the number of correctly received packets, the number of CRC errors, and the number of timeouts recorded by the receiver.
- Parameters:
peer_tx_data (Optional[int], optional) – Number of packets transmitted by the peer device.
- Returns:
Calculated PER value.
- Return type:
- rx_data
Number of packets received correctly.
- rx_data_crc
Number of packets received with a CRC error.
- rx_data_timeout
Number of RX timeouts.
- rx_isr
RX ISR processing watermark in microseconds.
- rx_setup
RX packet setup watermark in microseconds.
- tx_data
Number of correctly transmitted packets.
- tx_isr
TX ISR processing watermark in microseconds.
- tx_setup
TX packet setup watermark in microseconds.
- class EstablishConnParams(peer_addr: int, scan_interval: int = 16, scan_window: int = 16, init_filter_policy: int = 0, peer_addr_type: AddrType = AddrType.PUBLIC, own_addr_type: AddrType = AddrType.PUBLIC, conn_interval_min: int = 6, conn_interval_max: int = 6, max_latency: int = 0, sup_timeout: int = 100, min_ce_length: int = 3856, max_ce_length: int = 3856)[source]
Connection parameters data container used when establishing a connection.
- conn_interval_max: int = 6
Connection interval maximum.
- conn_interval_min: int = 6
Connection interval minimum.
- init_filter_policy: int = 0
Initiator filter policy.
- max_ce_length: int = 3856
Maximum connection event length.
- max_latency: int = 0
Maximum peripheral latency.
- min_ce_length: int = 3856
Minimum connection event length.
- peer_addr: int
Connectable peer device address.
- scan_interval: int = 16
Scan interval.
- scan_window: int = 16
Scan duration.
- sup_timeout: int = 100
Supervision timeout.
- class MemPktStats(stack: int | None = None, sys_assert_cnt: int | None = None, free_mem: int | None = None, used_mem: int | None = None, max_connections: int | None = None, conn_ctx_size: int | None = None, cs_watermark_lvl: int | None = None, ll_watermark_lvl: int | None = None, sch_watermark_lvl: int | None = None, lhci_watermark_lvl: int | None = None, max_adv_sets: int | None = None, adv_set_ctx_size: int | None = None, ext_scan_max: int | None = None, ext_scan_ctx_size: int | None = None, ext_init_ctx_size: int | None = None, max_num_ext_init: int | None = None, max_per_scanners: int | None = None, per_scan_ctx_size: int | None = None, max_cig: int | None = None, cig_ctx_size: int | None = None, cis_ctx_size: int | None = None)[source]
Memory statistics data container.
- adv_set_ctx_size: int = None
Advertising set context size in bytes.
- cig_ctx_size: int = None
CIG context size in bytes.
- cis_ctx_size: int = None
CIS context size in bytes.
- conn_ctx_size: int = None
Number of bytes used for connection context.
- cs_watermark_lvl: int = None
Critical section watermark duration in microseconds.
- ext_init_ctx_size: int = None
Extended initiators context size in bytes.
- ext_scan_ctx_size: int = None
Extended scanners context size in bytes.
- ext_scan_max: int = None
Maximum number of extended scanners.
- free_mem: int = None
Memory free for stack usage.
- lhci_watermark_lvl: int = None
LHCI handler watermark level in microseconds.
- ll_watermark_lvl: int = None
Link layer handler watermark level in microseconds.
- max_adv_sets: int = None
Maximum number of advertising sets.
- max_cig: int = None
Maximim number of CIG.
- max_connections: int = None
Maximum number of connections allowed.
- max_num_ext_init: int = None
Maximum number of extended initiators.
- max_per_scanners: int = None
Maximum number of periodic scanners.
- per_scan_ctx_size: int = None
Periodic scanners context size in bytes.
- sch_watermark_lvl: int = None
Scheduler handler watermark level in microseconds.
- stack: int = None
Number of bytes used by the stack.
- sys_assert_cnt: int = None
Number of times assertions hit.
- used_mem: int = None
Memory used by stack.
- class PduPktStats(fail_pdu: int | None = None, pass_pdu: int | None = None, fail_whitelist: int | None = None, pass_whitelist: int | None = None, fail_peer_addr_match: int | None = None, pass_peer_addr_match: int | None = None, fail_local_addr_match: int | None = None, pass_local_addr_match: int | None = None, fail_peer_rpa_verify: int | None = None, pass_peer_rpa_verify: int | None = None, fail_local_rpa_verify: int | None = None, pass_local_rpa_verify: int | None = None, fail_peer_priv_addr: int | None = None, fail_local_priv_addr: int | None = None, fail_peer_addr_res_req: int | None = None, pass_peer_addr_res_req: int | None = None, pass_local_addr_res_opt: int | None = None, peer_res_addr_pend: int | None = None, local_res_addr_pend: int | None = None)[source]
PDU statistics data container.
- fail_local_addr_match: int = None
Number of PDUs failing local address match.
- fail_local_priv_addr: int = None
Number of local addresses failing RPA requirements.
- fail_local_rpa_verify: int = None
Number of local RPAs failing verification.
- fail_pdu: int = None
Number of PDUs failing PDU type filter.
- fail_peer_addr_match: int = None
Number of PDUs failing peer address match.
- fail_peer_addr_res_req: int = None
Number of PDUs failing required peer address resolution.
- fail_peer_priv_addr: int = None
Number of peer addresses failing RPA requirements.
- fail_peer_rpa_verify: int = None
Number of peer RPAs failing verification.
- fail_whitelist: int = None
Number of PDUs failing whitelist filter.
- local_res_addr_pend: int = None
Number of local address resolutions pended.
- pass_local_addr_match: int = None
Number of PDUs passing local address match.
- pass_local_addr_res_opt: int = None
Number of PDUs passing optional local address resolution.
- pass_local_rpa_verify: int = None
Number of local RPAs passing verification.
- pass_pdu: int = None
Number of PDUs passing PDU type filter.
- pass_peer_addr_match: int = None
Number of PDUs passing peer address match.
- pass_peer_addr_res_req: int = None
Number of PDUs passing required peer address resolution.
- pass_peer_rpa_verify: int = None
Number of peer RPAs passing verification.
- pass_whitelist: int = None
Number of PDUs passing whitelist filter.
- peer_res_addr_pend: int = None
Number of peer address resolutions pended.
- class PoolStats(buf_size: int | None = None, num_buf: int | None = None, num_alloc: int | None = None, max_alloc: int | None = None, max_req_len: int | None = None)[source]
Memory pool statistics data container.
- buf_size: int = None
Buffer size.
- max_alloc: int = None
Maximum number of allocations.
- max_req_len: int = None
Maximum required length.
- num_alloc: int = None
Number of allocations.
- num_buf: int = None
Number of buffers.
- class ScanParams(scan_type: int = 1, scan_interval: int = 16, scan_window: int = 16, addr_type: AddrType = AddrType.PUBLIC, filter_policy: int = 0)[source]
Scan parameters data container.
- filter_policy: int = 0
Scanning filter policy.
- scan_interval: int = 16
Scan interval.
- scan_type: int = 1
Scan type.
- scan_window: int = 16
Scan duration.
- class ScanPktStats(rx_adv: int | None = None, rx_adv_crc: int | None = None, rx_adv_timeout: int | None = None, tx_req: int | None = None, rx_rsp: int | None = None, rx_rsp_crc: int | None = None, rx_rsp_timeout: int | None = None, err_scan: int | None = None, rx_setup: int | None = None, tx_setup: int | None = None, rx_isr: int | None = None, tx_isr: int | None = None, rx_chain: int | None = None, rx_chain_crc: int | None = None, rx_chain_timeout: int | None = None)[source]
Scanning statistics data container.
- err_scan: int = None
Number of scan transaction errors.
- per() float [source]
Calculate PER.
Calculates the Packet Error Rate of the current set of statistics.
- Returns:
Calculated PER value.
- Return type:
- rx_adv: int = None
Number of advertising packets received correctly.
- rx_adv_crc: int = None
Number of advertising packets received with a CRC error.
- rx_adv_timeout: int = None
Number of RX timeouts.
- rx_chain: int | None = None
Number of chain packets received correctly.
Value is only returned when retrieving auxiliary scanning statistics.
- rx_chain_crc: int | None = None
Number of chain packets received with a CRC error.
Value is only returned when retrieving auxiliary scanning statistics.
- rx_chain_timeout: int | None = None
Number of chain packet RX timeouts.
Value is only returned when retrieving auxiliary scanning statistics.
- rx_isr: int = None
RX ISR processing watermark in microseconds.
- rx_rsp: int = None
Number of advertising response packets received correctly.
- rx_rsp_crc: int = None
Number of advertising response packets received with a CRC error.
- rx_rsp_timeout: int = None
Number of advertising response RX timeouts.
- rx_setup: int = None
RX packet setup watermark in microseconds.
- scan_request_rate() float [source]
Get how often scan requests occur
- Returns:
scan request rate
- Return type:
- scan_response_crc_rate() float [source]
Get scan response crc rate
- Returns:
scan response crc rate
- Return type:
- scan_response_rate() float [source]
Get scan response rate
- Returns:
scan response rate
- Return type:
- scan_response_timeout_rate() float [source]
Get scan response timeout rate
- Returns:
scan response timeout rate
- Return type:
- tx_isr: int = None
TX ISR processing watermark in microseconds.
- tx_req: int = None
Number of advertising requests sent.
- tx_setup: int = None
TX packet setup watermark in microseconds.
- class TestReport(rx_pkt_count: int | None = None, rx_oct_count: int | None = None, gen_pkt_count: int | None = None, gen_oct_count: int | None = None)[source]
ISO/ACL test report data container.
- gen_oct_count: int = None
Number of generated octets.
- gen_pkt_count: int = None
Number of generated packets.
- rx_oct_count: int = None
Number of octets received.
- rx_pkt_count: int = None
Number of packets received.